229. First UMC, Sikeston, Leaves their Building

MissionCast – First UMC, Sikeston, Leaves their Building
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Their “Hope Epidemic” t-shirts read “The Church Has Left the Building.”  More than 1000 persons turned out for a free breakfast at First United Methodist Church in Sikeston.  After breakfast they spread out through their community to spread the hope and love of Christ.  In addition to doing a lot of flood related work, volunteers did such services as cleaning a burned out lot, sprucing up vacant lots, hanging teacher appreciation banners and praying at schools, handing out quarters and helping with laundry at local Laundromats, cleaning a historic cemetery, talking and playing games with nursing home residents, remodeling rooms at the shelter for abused women, and more.  A group of children sang at each nursing home in town, with many of the residents singing along and doing the hand motions with children.  Teams delivered cookie trays to public officials such as emergency medical technicians, the department of public safety, the Nations Guardsmen who were in town doing flood work.  People were even fed, cared for and even received hair and beauty appointments in the church.

The day truly helped change people’s ideas about church….from something that happens in that building across town to “the church was everywhere we looked.”  People in the community experienced the hope and love of Christ spread throughout their community.

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MissionCast is mission blog of the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church produced by Max Marble.

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