247. MissionCast – Tim & Ellie Brubaker Volunteer in Joplin

MissionCast – Tim & Ellie Brubakers Volunteer in Joplin
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


Tim and Ellie Brubaker have been living in their RV in Joplin for two months.  They drove to Joplin from their home in Harbor Springs, Michigan to help us coordinate Volunteers in Mission teams serving in Joplin.  Volunteering as they have been doing is nothing new for them.  They served several times in Louisiana after Katrina as well as in Greensburg, Kansas after their tornado.  They have also served in Florida.  What a blessing they have been to our Missouri Conference disaster response ministry in Joplin.  We wanted you to be able to meet them so your MissionCast crew arranged for a visit with them in their home on wheels.
If you would like to bring your RV to Joplin and serve in this manner please contact Jeff Baker at the Office of Creative Ministries.  Phone:  573-474-7155.  Email:  baker@umocm.com
If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

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MissionCast is mission blog of the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church produced by Max Marble.

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