150. MissionCast – Haiti Earthquake Appeal

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This has been a week of immense tragedy.  The earthquake that toppled buildings in Haiti has taken over a hundred thousand lives.  Hundreds of thousands more have been left homeless.  Sam Dixon, the Director of our United Committee on Relief was one of those who lost his life.  Clint Rabb with whom I traveled on the first Missouri Conference leadership team to Mozambique was rescued but then died in a Florida hospital.  This word came to us after the MissionCast was taped.  Untold thousands are desperately in need of food, water, medical attention, housing and supplies.  We in Missouri are responding with gifts of our financial resources through our UMCOR Advance Special #418325 and through assembling Festival of Sharing Health Kits, Baby Bundles and IMA Medicine Boxes.  Keep scrolling down for the contents of the kits and drop-off points around the state. 

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Health Kit

In the face of natural disasters, violence, or poverty, these kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling


$10 value    Shipping-$2/kit

1 hand towel (16″ X 28″), 1 wide-tooth comb,

1 nail clipper, 1 bar of soap (bath size in wrapper),

1 washcloth, 6 Band-Aids, 1 toothbrush (in original packaging).

Seal all items in a one-gallon plastic bag with zipper closure.

Toothpaste will be added by Church World Service.

IMA Medicine Box

Each IMA Medicine Box contains enough medication and supplies to treat the common ailments of several thousand people. IMA accepts donations of specific over-the-counter items to include in Medicine Boxes.  Please follow these guidelines for donations, which should be new products with unbroken seals and expiration dates of 18 months (April 2012) or longer. Generic products are welcome!

$325 full kit value             Other items and Shipping $175/kit

500 tablets or more Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 325 mg or 500 mg

500 tablets or more Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) 200 mg

500 tablets or more Multivitamins with iron (One-A-Day) without herbs   or special formulas

500 tablets or more Children’s Multivitamins with Iron (Flintstones Chewables with Iron)

6 tubes or more Triple antibiotic ointment(Neosporin)½ oz. or 1 oz. tube

50 pads or more 4×4 inch gauze pads, any brand

2 rolls or more ½ inch adhesive tape, any brand

Place all items in a box and label “IMA Medicine BOX”. Please include only one complete kit per box. (i.e. each box is equal to one IMA Medicine Box kit.)




Layettes provide gentle warmth for infants and basic tools for young mothers struggling with poverty or the consequences of natural


$39 value    Shipping-$2/kit

6 cloth diapers, 2 diaper pins, 2 t-shirts or undershirts (no onesies),

2 washcloths, 2 gowns or sleepers, 1 sweater or sweatshirt,

2 receiving blankets (1 can be a knitted blanket). All items must be

new and under 12 months in size. Bundle items inside one receiving

blanket and secure with diaper pins.

Emergency Kit Drop off Sites

Eastern Missouri


Hamilton Christian Church             Church # 314-432-5840

10545 Old Olive Street Rd.

St. Louis MO

Drop off for St. Louis County


Eden Seminary -  CWS Office                     314-252-3298

475 E. Lockwood

Central St. Louis


Morning Star UMC                                      636-561-5680

1600 Feise Road

O’Fallon, MO                                   

Drop off  St. Charles County


St. Paul UCC                                                 314-892-3332 

5508 Telegraph Rd

St. Louis MO                                                 

South County


First UMC – Dexter                                       573-624-3344             

501 S Walnut St.

Dexter, MO

Boot heel


Central Missouri


Office of Creative Ministries                        573-474-7155

3009 David Drive

Columbia MO


Missouri UMC                                               573-443-3111

204 S Ninth

Columbia, MO


First UMC – Rolla                                        573-364-3980

803 N Main

Rolla, MO


Western Missouri


Heartland Presbytery

3210 Michigan Ave.

Kansas City, MO

OFirst Christian Church                              816-229-8400
701 NW 15th Street Ave.

Blue Springs, MO


Brentwood Christian Church                      417-881-0144 

1900 E Barataria

Springfield, MO 65804


Aurora UMC                                                 417-678-3359

1211 S Carnation Dr.

Aurora, MO 65605


St. Joseph  — TBD

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MissionCast is mission blog of the Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church produced by Max Marble.

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