Each year the One Great Hour of Sharing offering enables the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to bring hope to countless survivors of both natural and people-made diasters. The 2007 One Great Hour of Sharing offering is scheduled for March 18. However, you may receive the offering when it is best for your congregation. Offering envelopes will be sent to you free from United Methodist Communications. This video shows some of the ways that Missouri has benefited from this offering. It includes video clips of diaster response in Missouri and elswhere. It also encludes an appeal from Wendy Whitside, who was once a staff member for the Office of Creative Ministries and now heads up communications for the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries, head quartered in New York. The video is 2 minutes and 40 seconds long. You may download this video and show it to your Outreach Committee or even show it on Sunday morning if your church has the capability to do so. A DVD quality version may ordered from the Office of Creative Ministries for $3 which includes shipping and handling.
NEW - If you would like to down load this MissionCast to project during church we have placed this higher resolution version for your use. If you use it please let us know how it worked for you. Email Max Marble at marble@umocm.com. Thanks.
Click here for a higher resolution version. (Windows Media Player – 20M version)
Windows Users: Click here to view the video. (Windows Media Player – 6MB version)
Mac Users: Click here to view the video. (Quick Time – 20MB version)
(To download either video place your cursor over the place where it says “click here” and then right click with your mouse. A menu will pop up. Left click on “Save Target As…”. A “Save As” box will pop up where you can tell the computer where on the computer you want the video saved.  Click “save” and the video will download to your computer. If you would prefer to receive the MissionCast on a DVD just send $3 to MissionCast, 3009 David Drive, Columbia, MO 65202)