8. Kingdom House, St. Louis

Student and TeacherKingdom House is a neighborhood social service agency that has been serving south St. Louis since 1902.  In their own words learn about this important ministry from Rev. Tom Sanders, Director of Kingdom House; Joyce Dunn-James, Director of Church Relations and Volunteers and Jennifer March, Director of Development.  A bulletin insert is posted below for use on Sunday morning when the video is show as a part of a mission moment, the offering or during announcements.

(To view previous MissionCasts just scroll down)

Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  We would love to receive your comments about MissionCast.  Email them to marble@umocm.com

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB)
Click here for the bulliten insert

MissionCast Podcast Feed:  http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

7. 2007 Youth Workcamps

Bethany BaxterBethany Baxter, a high school senior and member of the Conference Council on Youth Ministries, will serve as the worship leader for the 2007 Summer Workcamps.  In this MissionCast she shares information about what is coming up this summer and issues an invitation for more churches to join in this annual youth mission ministry.

(To view previous MissionCasts just scroll down)

Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  We would love to receive your comments about MissionCast.  Email them to marble@umocm.com

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB)
MissionCast Podcast Feed:  http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

6. Eden Summit: Cultivating Creation Awareness

heronThe purpose of the Eden Summit is to create a network of local congregations that have intentional “Creation Awareness” ministries.  A long term goal is to organize Eden Clubs in local congregations.  Hopefully congregations might also organize Eden Clubs in their communities involving churches from many denominations.  This MissionCast provides visual information about the Eden Summit that will be held on April 21, at Community United Methodist Church, in Columbia.  It is sponsored by the Spiritual Formation and Social Justice Team, the Global Connections Team and the Office of Creative Ministries.  All of the information about the Eden Summit may be found at http://www.umocm.com/eden_summit.htm  The photo of the heron was taken by Bishop Robert Schnase.

Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support. 

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video (7 MB) or High resolution video (20 MB)
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB) 

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

5. Reading & Writing Kits for Annual Conference

Terry WilliamsAn offering of School Kits (for national and international use) and Reading and Writing Pacs (for use in Missouri) will be received in June at Annual Conference in Springfield, Missouri.  In this MissionCast, Terri Williams, our new Festival of Sharing Coordinator, on the Office of Creative Ministries staff, shows the items needed for the Reading and Writing Pacs and demonstrates how to assemble and pack the items for bringing to Annual Conference.  The Reading and Writing Pacs will be distributed through Festival of Sharing approved ministries and social service agencies across the state.  Remember to bring only “BLT” kits.  (Boxed, Labeled & Taped)

Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  For DSL or Cable:  High resolution video (20 MB) or  Med resolution video (7 MB)  For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB) 

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

Two new trial formats:  Streaming Modem (7MB) and Streaming (21MB)         

4. Bishop Schnase – Risk-taking Mission and Service

Bishop SchnaseIn MissionCast, Episode 4, Bishop Robert Schnase shares his thoughts on “Risk-taking Mission and Service”, one of five essential practices of a health church.  He is in the process of publishing a book which includes all five practices.  The other four are:  passionate worship, intentional faith development, radical hospitality and extravagant generosity.

 Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  For DSL or Cable:  High resolution video (20 MB) or  Med resolution video (7 MB)  For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB) 

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com