13. Mozambique Cyclone – Missouri Response

Aeroporto UMCCarol Kreamer and Tony Bevins (pastor at Carl Junction) just got back from Mozambique where they saw first-hand the destruction brought on by the recent cyclone.  Through interviews with church leaders in Mozambique, conducted by Carol and videoed and translated by Ezy, this MissionCast tells the story of pain and loss as well as gratitude for the help sent by the Missouri Conference.  A special offering will be received during the Annual Conference memorial service for the disaster response and recovery..  You may receive a special offering in your local church and bring a check made out to the Missouri Conference for this offering.  This MissionCast has been posted a few days early for those who would like to use it during a Sunday morning service.  If you will be projecting MissionCast be sure and use the high resolution edition. 

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video — For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (5-10 mins download time)  — For Mac users:  Quick Time video

12. Rainbow Network – Keith Jaspers

 JaspersRainbow Network Ministry in Nicaragua:  Keith Jaspers, Executive Director of Rainbow Network tells about this amazing partnership ministry in rural Nicaragua, providing opportunities in education, health, housing and micro-business loans for the very poorest of the poor.  Rainbow Network is working in 122 rural communities in Nicaragua, partnering with more than 50,000 people.  For more information about the Rainbow Network visit the Rainbow Network website at http://www.rainbownetwork.org.

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video — For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (5-10 mins download time) — For Mac users:  Quick Time video 

11. Bishop Schnase – Mozambique Initiative

Bishop SchnaseIn episode 11 of MissionCast Bishop Schnase shares his thoughts about his trip to Mozambique and the value of the Mozambique Initiative to both the congregations in Mozambique and the congregations of the Missouri Conference.  For more information about the Mozambique Initiative and for information about supporting a congregation, pastor or seminary student in Mozambique go to http://www.moumethodist.org/ and then click on “Ministries” and ” Mozambique Initiative” or send an email to Carol Kreamer at cpkreamer@hughes.net.

(To view previous MissionCasts just scroll down) Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  We would love to receive your comments about MissionCast.  Email them to marble@umocm.com   For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (5-10 mins download time)
For Mac users:  Quick Time video
MissionCast Podcast Feed: 
http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast    Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

10. School Kits

School KitsThere is currently a great need for school kts.  In this MissionCast Rev. Joyce Holley, our Missouri Conference clergyperson appointed to serve with Church World Service, shares information about this need, tells about the items that go into a school kit and demonstrates putting a school kit together.  Once the kits are assempled they need to be placed in a sturdy card board box and then taped and label as “school kits.”  The school kit is one of two kits that will be received at Annual Conference this year.  The other kit is the “reading and writing pack” for use by children in Missouri.

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For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
For Mac users:  Quick Time video
MissionCast Podcast Feed: 

9. PET Production in Mexico

Boy on PETPET production has expanded to Mexico.  PETs (Personal Energy Transportation) first produced in Columbia, Missouri and now being produced in Zambia and 11 different locations in the United States will now be produced in Mexico.  The new PET shop is an extension ministry of the Good Shepherd Methodist Church located just across the border from McAllen, Texas.  Five persons from Missouri joined some 60 persons from 13 different states to dedicate the new PET shop in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico.  PETs are three-wheel, hand cranked vehicles for those who have lost the use of their legs.  Two hundred fifty dollars will give this gift of mobility to someone who currently does not have it.   

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Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support.  We would love to receive your comments about MissionCast.  Email them to marble@umocm.com 

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
For Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB)
MissionCast Podcast Feed: 

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