24. Heifer International at Palmyra United Methodist Church

Heifer International Heifer International seeks to eliminate hunger and poverty by providing animals to impoverished families.  The gift keeps on giving because every family that receives animals pass on the first born animals to other impoverished families.  Recently Carol Oliver, from the Office of Creative Ministries, presented a gift ark plaque to the Palmyra United Methodist Church after the congregation raised the $5,000 for a Ark (at least two of each of the Heifer International animals) in just 6 months.  Carol shares how the congregation did it.  If your congregation would like information about Heifer International, contact Carol Oliver at 573-474-7155 or email her at oliver@umocm.com  Thanks to Heifer International for this picture of a happy recipient of goats.

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23. Metro Homeless Shelter & Family Services (Metro Ministry), St. Louis

Metro Ministry

Founded in 1968, by the Missouri East Conference of the United Methodist Church, Metro Ministry has helped thousands of individuals and families by providing shelter, emergency food, clothing, and financial assistance. Metro offers innovative programs that encourage homeless mentally ill women to seek treatment and acquire the skills to become self-sufficient.  To view the agency brochure go to:  http://www.metrohomelesscenter.org/Portals/0/metrobrochure.pdf

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21. Radical Hospitality – CentenaryCARES, St. Louis Homeless Ministry

CentenaryCARES - Feeding ProgramCentenary United Methodist Church in downtown St. Louis is practicing radical hospitality.  It has opened its doors to the homeless of the community where they are fed and shown love and care.  Rev. Karen Fields was interview by MissionCast and shares some of the CentenaryCARES story.  A future MissionCast will feature interviews with some of the homeless receipents of this ministry.  The ministry would welcome financial and volunteer support.  Educational opportunities are available for persons who wish to experience what the life of a homeless person is like.  For information call Centenary United Methdist Church at 314-421-3136.
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20. Nothing But Nets – Alexis Miller

Alexis MillerAlexis Miller, Summer Mission Intern at the Office of Creative Ministries, shares information about the Nothing But Nets Campaign that the United Methodist Church and several other organizations are sponsoring. She also share information about how churches and individual can contribute to this campaign and purchase mosquito nets.  Every ten dollars not only buys a mosquito net but saves one or more lives.

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19. Ryan Oetting – 2007 Summer Youth Workcamps

ryan oettingRyan Oetting, president of the Missouri Conference Council on Youth Ministry, was interviewed about the 2007 Summer Youth Workcamps.  We caught up with Ryan in Caruthersville, Missouri, where the youth were working on new homes for people whose homes were destroyed during the tornado which leveled most of the town last year.  This year the Conference Youth Workcamp program took Missouri youth to Alabama and Texas as well as to Caruthersville, Missouri.  In each location they helped people recover from the disasters that had torn apart their lives.  All in all, over 800 persons participated in the 2007 workcamps.  For more information about the Missouri Conference Youth Ministries go to http://www.moumethodist.org/page.asp?PKValue=844. 

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