29. Bishops’ Katrina Recovery Appeal

Katrina Recovery SignOn Thursday and Friday, September 6 & 7, United Methodists from across the country received a Katrina update from the Bishops’ Katrina Recovery Appeal Task Force.  Bishops and church leaders from the Louisiana Conference, the Mississippi Conference and the Alabama-West Florida Conference shared information about the recovery thus far and what has yet to be done to help United Methodist congregations back on their feet.  Eight persons from the Missouri Conference were on hand to celebrate the past and look to the future.

To read an article on this event by Kathy Gilbert (United Methodist Communications) go to
http://www.umc.org/site/apps/nl/content3.asp?c=lwL4KnN1LtH&b=2072519&ct=4406751 To View MisionCast click on the picture above or on one of the links below
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28. Council of Churches of the Ozarks

 Council of Churches




The Council of Churches of the Ozarks is a faith-based human services organization with nine operating agencies that focus on improving the quality of life for children, families, seniors and those with disabilities in 53 Missouri counties.  In this MissionCast the Director, David Hockensmith, tells about the ministry which opperates out of Springfield, Missouri.

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27. InterServ, St. Joseph, Missouri






InterServ is a church-related, multi-function social service agency located in St. Joseph, Missouri.  Since 1909 the folks who serve through InterServ have been meeting needs, responding to crisis and helping the community define and solve problems.  In this episode of MissionCast David Howery and other staff members tell about this important ministry which reaches out to those in need.

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast       

26. Gleaning Potatoes in the Southeast District – Alexis Miller

Alexis Miller, Summer Mission Intern at the Office of Creative Ministries, and senior at Central Missouri State, tells about a gleaning project sponsored by the Southeast District.  The youth of the district gleaned and bagged over 7,000 lbs of potatoes that were then distributed through the food bank to an eight county area.  If you would like to sponsor a gleaning project contact Joe Bartelsmeyer at the Office of Creative Ministries.  (573-474-7155 or bartelsmeyer@umocm.com) 

To View MisionCast click one of the links below
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Quick Time video / QuickTime Video (higher resolution)
MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast   


25. Della Lamb, Kansas City

Judy Akers, director of Della Lamb, shares information about their ministry in Kansas City, Missouri.  Della Lamb Community Services was founded in 1897 as a Methodist Mission to provide child care for poor, working mothers. Today, they provide low-income families with early education, child care, youth services, adult services, adult education, transportation, emergency social services, international refugee services, Elementary Charter School education, back-to-school supplies, Thanksgiving groceries and Christmas groceries and gifts.  For more information you may visit their website at:  http://www.dellalamb.org 

To View MisionCast click one of the links below
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For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download time)
For Mac users: Quick Time video / QuickTime Video (higher resolution)
MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast 