34. Volunteers in Mission Celebration – Audrey Phelps

Society of St. AndrewJoin the Annual Volunteers in Mission celebration at Community United Methodist Church, in Columbia, on Saturday, November 3rd.  The celebration is designed for all volunteers in mission, pastors, outreach/mission chairpersons and everyone else interested in learning about volunteers in mission opportunities in Missouri and aroud the world.  Listen to Audrey Phelps, Coordinator of Volunteers in Mission for the Missouri Conference, tell about this wonderful celebration.  To view MissionCast click on the picture to the left or click on one of the links below.

Picture:  Catherine Pearson and a little girl in Mozambique.  Catherine is a University of Missouri Journalism graduate student who spent several months in Mozambique this summer helping to coordinate volunteer teams.

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33. Society of St. Andrew – Gleaning for the Hungry

Society of St. AndrewThe Society of St. Andrew provides food for the hungry of America at about a penny per serving.  They do this by making food available that would otherwise be thrown away.  In Missouri many gleaning projectes and potatoe drops are organzied each year through the Joe Bartelsmeyer at the Office of Creative Ministries.  To learn more about what you can do call Joe at 573-474-7155 or email him at bartelsmeyer@umocm.com. To view MissionCast click on the picture to the left or click on one of the links below.

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast  

32. Southeast Festival of Sharing – Dexter

Festival of Sharing

The Southeast Festival of Sharing was held in Dexter, Missouri on Saturday, September 29.  Over $76,000 dollars in cash and material goods were contributed by the churches of Southeast Missouri.  Over 25 different churches from many different denominations were present as volunteers to process the piles of boxes of kits, beans, rice and popcorn. Kari Davidson, from Church World Service spoke during the worship service at noon. To view MissionCast click on the picture to the left or click on one of the links below.

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Quick Time video / QuickTime Video (higher resolution)

31. Prison Ministry in Boonville

Prion MinistryFor many years Nelson Memorial United Methodist Church, in Boonville, Missouri has carried on an important ministry with the inmates at the correctional facility in Boonville.  Recently the baseball team from Central Methodist University partnered with them on a prison ministry project.  KOMU-TV in Columbia, Missouri, reported on the project during their evening news.  With their permission we are happy to share the report through this MissionCast.  The person heading up the prison ministry in Nelson Memorial United Methodist Church is Tom Maxwell.

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast 

30. Christianson Native Craft Festival

Craft FestivalThe Christianson Native Craft Festival has been sponsored by the Office of Creative Ministries for the past 30 years.  It is named after Frances Christianson, long-time member of First United Methodist Church in Rolla.  It was started to help skilled craft persons from Missouri make a better living.  Many of these highly talented persons were economically impoverished.  It is held each year during the first week of August at the United Church of Christ Shanendale Camp just south of Salem, Missouri.  It now draws craft persons from a four state area who donate their time to teach their crafts to campers who can pick from over 20 native Missouri crafts to learn.  Mark your calendar for the next festival which will be held August 3-8, 2008.  For more information call Office of Creative Ministries’ Board member Beverly Flowers (417-967-2431) or go to the Office of Creative Ministries website at http://www.umcom.com  The 2008 brochure will be available after the first of the year.

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Quick Time video / QuickTime Video (higher resolution)
MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast  

View on YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKLx-PNCa30