39. Spofford Home – Janine Hron, President

bike rehab

Since 1916, Spofford has been a leading provider of prevention and therapeutic treatment services with children ages 4-12 suffering the effects of physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and mental health disorders. Janine Hron, President of Spofford, tells about the ministry during this episode of MissionCast.  The ministry is located in Kansas City, Missouri.   More information may be found on the Spofford website by going to http://www.spoffordhome.org/index.html or by calling 816-508-3400. 

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38. Bike Rehab Ministry – Manchester UMC

bike rehabJim Vail coordinates the Bike Rehab Ministry at Manchester United Methodist Church, in St. Louis.  MissionCast interviewed Jim to learn about this unique outreach ministry.  Four times a year volunteers gather in the fellowship hall to clean and fix up donated used bikes for those who can not afford them.  The bikes are distributed through Kingdom House and a few other agencies.  Over the past 8 years the ministry has rehabbed and distributed over 1400 bikes.

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37. Ecuador VIM, Young Adult Team – Isaac Johnson

Festival of SharingIsaac Johnson narrates this MisisonCast about the Missouri Conference Young Adult Volunteers in Mission Team to Ecuador on which he served.  Isaac is the Office Manager at the Missouri Conference Office of Creative Ministries.  For information about VIM opportunities calll him at 573-474-7155 or email him at johnson@umocm.com

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast 

36. Festival of Sharing, State Fairgrounds

Festival of SharingThe 26th Festival of Sharing was held at the State Fairgrounds, in Sedalia, Missouri.  Over 1,000 people worshiped during the 10am worship service. A couple thousand more participated sometime during the day.  Over 750 youth were registered for the Festival of Sharing Youthfest and several hundred more dropped in during the day to help.  It was a grand a glorious outpouring of love and concern for the poor and hungry of Missouri and the world.  To view MissionCast click on the picture above or click on one of the links below.

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast  

35. Columbia PET Building Dedication

Society of St. Andrew

PET-Columbia celebrated the dedication of their new (new to them) building in grand style.  PET stands for Personal Energy Transportation.  A PET is a 3 wheel, hand cranked wheelchair for those who have lost the use of their legs.  The PET production started in the garage of Mel West over ten years go.  Now PET-Columbia occupies its third home in a much expanded facility.  Three faith groups participated in the dedication:  Muslim, Jewish and Christian.  PETs built entirely with volunteer labor cost $250 each for the manufacturing and transportation to far off lands.  One of the major offerings at the 2008 Missouri Annual Conference will be for PETs.  Plan now how your church might raise the $250 for a PET and give the “Gift of Mobility” so someone who does not have it.  Plan a special fund raising event or take up a special Thanksgiving, Christmas or Lenten offering and give this wonderful “Gift of Mobility.”  For more information about PETs go to:  http://www.giftofmobility.org  Also look in the MissionCast Archives for MissionCast Episode 3 about a PET delivery in Vietnam and MissionCast Episode 9 about the PET production in Mexico.  The content of this MissionCast was provided to us by KOMU-TV in Columbia.  The reporter was Jason Lamb.   To view MissionCast click on the picture above or click on one of the links below.

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MissionCast Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/missioncast