49. The Gift of Mobility – “PET” – Mel West

Boy CrawlingPET stands for personal energy transportation. A PET is a three-wheel hand cranked wheel chair for those who have lost the use of their legs. Every congregation in the Missouri Conference has been mailed a small model of what a pet looks like. With it comes the challenge for every congregation to grow the small model PET into the Gift of Mobility for someone who does not now have it. All it takes to do this is $250 which is what it costs to build and ship a PET. The offering for PETs will be received at the Annual Conference banquet in Springfield, Friday night, June 6th. For this MissionCast Mel West the founder of the PET program is interviewed. Mel tells about how PET came to be and what a difference it makes in the life of a person who is immobile.

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48. Heifer Ranch – Atlanta UMC Youth Group

HutHeifer Ranch, in Perryville, Arkansas, provides education about World Hunger and ways to help alleviate it. MissionCast interviewed members of the Atlanta United Methodist Youth Group about their visit to the ranch.  For information about visiting the ranch or about supporting Heifer International contact Carol Oliver, the Missouri representative for Heifer International, at the Office of Creative Ministries.  (oliver@umocm.com / 573-474-7155)

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47. Susanna Wesley Family Learning Center – East Prairie

Computer LabSusanna Wesley Family Learning Center is located in East Prairie, in southeast Missouri.  Meet Dr. Martha Ellen Black, who has served as director since the ministry began 15 years ago.  In this episode of MissionCast she shares some of the highlights of their ministry that serves the whole family and community.

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46. Little Bethlehem – Fairview United Methodist Church

Little BethlehemEvery year Fairview United Methodist Church, in Columbia, reaches out to the community with the story of the birth of Jesus.  After building an elaborate outside set they reenact the Christmas story for hundreds of people who bear the cold to once again visit Bethlehem.  We are grateful to Wesley & Nick Campbell for producing MissionCast this week, as the first entry in the MissionCast video contest.  To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
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45. Ozarks Methodist Manor – David Lewis

Heifer InternationalThe Ozarks Methodist Manor is a continuing care retirement community related to the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church.  It provides a quality, affordable lifestyle with continuing care in a friendly and caring environment.  Director David Lewis was interviewed by MissionCast and in this episode he tells us about this important ministry.  To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
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For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video /
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