59. Rebuild Gulfside Assembly – Jerry Ruth Williams

Jerry Ruth WilliamsGulfside Assembly, in Waveland, Mississippi was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. We asked Jerry Ruth Williams to share some of her experience of Gulfside. She grew up attending camp and more recently meetings at Gulfside. Infact the last time she was there was just two weeks before Katrina. She was there for the dedication of an new retreat center that was blown away two weeks later. Gulfside Assembly is one of those vital ministries that is no longer listed on the financial request form that goes to church treasurers. Jerry Ruth urges our continued support. Click on the picture at the left or on one of the links below to view this MissionCast.

In April the Global Connections Team, led by Paula King, will sponsor a Volunteers in Mission team to help rebuild Gulfside. Contact the Office of Creative Ministries (573-474-7155) for more information if you would like to be a part of this important rebuilding process.

To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or
High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video

58. Operation Hogar Team Leader Training – $300 Grants Available

boyOne of the very best international Volunteers in Mission opportunities available is Operation Hogar. It is wonderful because in four days the team builds a home from beginning to completion and the family that will be living in the home works along with the team. Nance Thuer, who serves as the major project leader for the Office of Creative Ministries for Operation Hogar will be leading a team of persons who wish to experience Operation Hogar in preparation for leading a future team to Operation Hogar. The Office of Creative Ministries will pay $300 of the $750 cost of the trip for those who wish to apply to serve as a conference VIM team leader and then recruit and lead a team to build a home. Operation Hogar is located in Juarez, Mexico just across the boarder from El Paso, Texas. Nance’s team will leave on Saturday, October 11 and will return on Friday, October 17. Click on the picture to hear Nance tell about this exciting opportunity of international mission ministry. To receive a brochure and registration form for this trip call the Office of Creative Ministries 573-474-7155 and speak with Audrey Phelps or email her at phelps@umocm.com.To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below.

For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video

57. MissionCast: Potato Soup Benefit – Neosho United Methodist Church

Potato Soup BenefitFor 35 years the Neosho United Methodist Men (with the help of the entire church) have been serving potato soup with the proceeds going to feed hungry people through the Society of St. Andrew. They have calculated that they are able to provide 150 servings of food for every $3.50 bowl of soup they sell. Through the years their efforts have expanded from an in-church benefit to one where they deliver soup to businesses all over the town of Neosho. MissionCast was present for their recent Potato Soup Benefit. The men of the church have produced a CD with complete detailed instructions for planning a potato soup benefit. To receive the CD phone the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155 or email marble@umocm.com

To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or
High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video

Youtube Version

56. Building Homes in Mexico – Aldergate UMC – 3rd Place Contest Winner

HogarDorothy Brucks, produced this video, which took third place in the MissionCast video contest. The video tells about the Aldergate UMC Volunteers in Mssion trip to Juarez, Mexico where they built a one room concrete block home for a family previously living in a cardboard shack. Click on the picture to the left to see the video.
If you have produced a video on some mission program or activity in your church please send it in so we can show your stuff too. The only restriction is that it must not violate any copyright laws in order for us to be able to post it on the Internet. Oh yes, the maximum length is 2 1/2 minutes. However, with your permission we are able often to edit down a longer piece to the needed length.

To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or
High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video

55. How Kids Made A Difference – North Cross UMC – 2nd Place Contest Winner

KidWanda Jackson, produced this video, which took second place in the MissionCast video contest. The video is humorous and very well done. The kids at North Cross UMC, in North Kansas City, really wanted to make a difference and they did. To see how click on the picture at the left or one of the links below.

If you have produced a video on some mission program or activity in your church please send it in so we can show your stuff too. The only restriction is that it must not violate any copyright laws in order for us to be able to post it on the Internet. Oh yes, the maximum length is 2 1/2 minutes. However, with your permission we are able often to edit down a longer piece to the needed length.

To View MisionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below
For DSL or Cable: Med resolution video or
High resolution video
For Dial-up Connections: Low resolution video (5-10 mins download)
For Mac users:
Quick Time video

Youtube Version