64. General Conference – Katherine Commale – Nothing But Nets

General ConferenceMissionCast taped this episode at General Conference in Fort Worth, Texas. Bishop Hopkins interviewed 7-year-old, Katherine Commale on the floor of the conference. At the 2007 Missouri Annual Conference, the Office of Creative Ministries got the Nothing But Nets campaign going in Missouri, by showing a Nothing But Nets video in which six-year-old Katherine was interviewed for raising $10,000 for the cause. This MissionCast starts with that interview and then moves to General Conference where Katherine, one year later, has raised substantially more. The Missouri Conference has raised over $130,000 for Nothing But Nets to date. Contributions toward this program seeking to eradicate malaria may be made through your local church and sent to the Missouri Conference Treasurer’s Office.

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63. General Conference, Fort Worth, Texas

General ConferenceOver 6,000 people gathered at the convention center in Fort Worth, Texas for the opening worship service of the 2008 General Conference of the United Methodist Church. This MissionCast was produced after the first two days of conference and shows the convention hall, exhibits, worship highlights and ends with comments about the first ever young people’s address by our two Missouri Conference young adult delegates, Casey Andrews and Shannon Meister.
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62. Epworth Children and Family Services in St. Louis – Kevin Drollinger

EpworthFor 140 years, Epworth Children & Family Services has provided essential youth development services that have helped thousands of children overcome severe emotional and behavioral challenges. Epworth’s innovative, holistic, and comprehensive treatment approach helps youth focus on solutions, build on inherent strengths and communicate more effectively. Over 2,000 youth and families turn to Epworth each year for emergency shelter, residential and intensive treatment, family reunification therapy, transitional and independent living programs, special education, foster family care and a 24-hour help line. For information about Epworth go to www.epworth.org. Send financial support for this ministry to Epworth Children & Family Services • 110 N. Elm Ave., St. Louis MO 63119 / Phone: 314.961.5718

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61. Newhouse – Kansas City – Leslie Caplan

Woman & BabyAny woman, regardless of age, class, education, religion, economic status or lifestyle is a potential victim of domestic violence. The mission of NEWHOUSE is to break the cycle of domestic violence by providing the tools that allow women to make positive choices and lead self-sufficient lives. Newhouse has been providing services to the “urban core” of Kansas City since 1971. In 2006, Newhouse served over 600 women and children, providing more than 17,000 nights free from violence. The typical Newhouse client comes from the lowest economic region of Kansas City, has no income and merely a high school education. For this reason, Newhouse provides services to its clients free of charge. For this MissionCast we interviewed Leslie Caplan, the Director of Newhouse. Contact info: Newhouse, P.O. Box 240019, Kansas City, MO 64124-0019, phone: 816-474-6446, Web site www.newhouseshelter.org. Send donations for this ministry to the above address.
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60. PET of Southwest Missouri – Aurora – Gift of Mobility

ShopPET of Southwest Missouri is located near Aurora. We interviewed Jim Wrinkle, the president, to learn about this PET production site. Interest in PET began several years ago when Jim’s Sunday School Class, at the Aurora United Methodist Church, raised money for three PETs. They wanted to do more and they did. Year before last they produced 100 PETs. Last year they built and shipped 150 and this year their goal is to exceed 500 PETs. MissionCast, episode 60, will show and tell how they are rapidly growing and involving more and more churches and people in their new mobility ministry. The day we taped this MissionCast most of the volunteer builders were from the Catholic Church, in Aurora. All of this means of course that more and more people are receiving what most of us take for granted which is the Gift of Mobility. You can make a difference too by donating $250, which is the cost of producing and shipping a PET. Send your gift to the Office of Creative Ministries, 3009 David Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 and note on your check “Festival of Sharing-PET Aurora.”
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