69. 2008 Annual Conference – Springfield, Missouri (4min)

Missouri ConferenceThe 2008 Annual Conference of the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church was held in Springfield, Missouri. This MissionCasts shows some of the many highlights of the conference.

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Click here to see “PET Night at the Ballpark”

68. PET Production – Aurora, Missouri

Pet ProductionPET stands for “personal energy transportation.” A PET is a three-wheel, hand-cranked wheelchair to give mobility to those who have lost the use of their legs. The first PETs were produced in Columbia, Missouri a little over 10 years ago. Today they are also produced in Aurora, Missouri and many other sites. This video shows the process of producing and packing PETs at the Aurora PET production site. Note that when the PETs are packed for shipping every available space is used to add things that the recipients can use. A tool kit for repairs is a must. The plastic milk jugs are used for carrying and storing water. A toy for children is added along with a good number of clothing items.

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High Resolution Video (For download for screen projection)
Quicktime Video (For Mac users)
20 Minute Normal Speed Version

67. Gulfside Assembly – VIM Project – Paula King

VIM TeamGulfside Assembly, in Waveland, Mississippi, which was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, is slowly being rebuilt with the help of Volunteer in Mission teams. One such team from Missouri has returned to share their story. Paula King, chair of the Missouri Conference Global Connections Team, served as the team leader for this team. For information on organizing a team to serve at Gulfside call the Office of Creative Ministries (573-474-7155) To see a previous MissionCast on Gulfside click on this link http://www.momissioncast.com/?p=74

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Quicktime Video (For Mac users)

YouTube Version

66. Heifer International – Nepal

BasantiWhat most people know about Heifer International is that it is an organization that gives animals to impoverished families to provide a source of extra income. Many people also know that through a program called “the passing on of the gift” each improvised family that receives animals pass on the first off springs of their animals to other impoverished familes. It is a gift that keeps on giving. What this Heifer International video illustrates is that Heifer International does a whole lot more. Everywhere they work they provide education with the goal of making families and communities self-reliant. Basanti in this video is given the education she needs to care of the medical needs of the animals in her community. The service that she performs gives her the confidence she needs to set her horizon on becoming a veterinarian doctor.

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High Resolution Video
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Quicktime Video (For Mac users)

65. Retired DS, Bob McCombs, Making PETs

Bob McCombsAfter an active appointive ministry, retired District Superintendent, Rev. Robert McCombs, now has more time for carpentry. Bob, who has enjoyed woodworking all of his life, is devoting some of his time in retirement to making PETs. This episode of MissionCast shows Bob in his workshop with the PET pieces that he has produced. Mel West ,the founder of the PET program, is also featured in this episode.

PET stands for personal energy transportation. A PET is a three wheel, hand-cranked vehicle for those who have lost the use of their legs. PETs are built entirely by volunteers like Bob. The cost of building and shipping a PET is $250.

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High Resolution Video
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Quicktime Video (For Mac users)