74. The Advance Giving Program of the United Methodist Church

AdvanceThe full name for the United Methodist Advance program is “The Advance for Christ and His Church.” The program was created in 1952 as a way to allow Methodists and later, United Methodists, as well as other interested individuals to contribute to specific programs, missionaries, and ministries. Advance giving is often called “second-mile giving” because it goes beyond the “first mile” of contributing to apportionments and World Service Funds.

The Advance is an official United Methodist program that gives you the opportunity to give to the ministry of your choice. From here you can donate in any of the following ways: online, through your United Methodist church, by mail, or by phone.

To locate a missionary or project that you would like to support go to: http://new.gbgm-umc.org/advance/projects/search

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73. MissionCast – Heifer International, Nepal (2.5 Min)

Nepal WomanRukmani smiles a lot these days. Her life has changed dramatically since she was given a goat to generate income for her family. She has dreams for a much better future. The goat was a gift from Heifer International. For information how you or your church can become involved with giving impoverished people around the world hope and dreams about the future contact Carol Oliver, at the Office of Creative Ministries, in Columbia, Missouri. Phone 573-474-7155 / Email oliver@umocm.com
To View MissionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below.
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YouTube Version

72. Is God Calling You To Mission Service? How can you tell? (2.7min)

MaxHave you ever wondered if God is calling you into mission service? Have you ever wondered how you can tell? In this episode of MissionCast, Max Marble, the current director of the Office of Creative Ministries, shares the answer to this question that Mel West, the first director of the Office of Creative Ministries shared with Max’s first churches back in 1974.
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Youtube Version

71. Dental Care for Children in McDonald & Surounding Counties (3 min)

DentistIn episode #71 of MissionCast Nancy Burks tells about the development of a dental clinic that serves children from low income families. The clinic is located in the town of Anderson, in McDonald County and serves a five county area. The Office of Creative Ministries received a call from Nancy back in 2001 asking if the United Methodist Church could help meet the dental needs of children from low income families in their undeserved area of the state. Max Marble (Office of Creative Ministries, Director), Peggy Eshelman (Social Justice & Spiritual FormationTeam), Lin Stern (Office of Creative Ministries, Missionary), Mary Allgood (Pineville United Methodist Church),Nancy Burks (Local Food Pantry Director) and a number of concerned McDonald county citizens started something from scratch that has turned out to be a great mission success story. The clinic currently provides dental care for children who would be otherwise completely without such care. The clinic always welcomes volunteer dentists and can always use donations. For more information contact the Office of Creative Ministries. (573-474-7155)

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Fast Start (trying out something new)

70. Churches Respond to the Flood of 2008 (2 min)

Sand BaggingOnce again the Mississippi River came out of it’s banks to cause massive flooding. MissionCast caught up with Rev. Jeannie Webdell, pastor of the Clarksville United Methodist Church, to tell about the situation there and in St. Peters, MissionCast found volunteers at Church of the Shepherd making 400 meals for disaster response volunteers working in Winnfield. While taping they were producing 7 sandwiches a minute but later had progressed to producing 12 a minute. The other churches that answered the emergency appeal from the district office to prepare 1400 meals were Wentzville United Methodist, Sunrise United Methodist and First United Methodist, in St. Charles.

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