86. Karen Sander, Individual Volunteer in Mission, in Honduras

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Karen SanderutilaDuring the summer Karen Sander, from First United Methodist Church, in Sedalia, Missouri, served as an individual volunteer in mission on the small island of Utila, Honduras.  Karen tells about her experience during this MissionCast.  You may read Karen’s blog for a daily account of her experience and a lot of great pictures of this beautiful island. 

For information about serving as an individual volunteers in mission call the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155 or email to marble@umocm.com.

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85. Columbia Hunger CROP Walk

CROP WalkIn solidarity with the poor and hungry, over 200 persons turned out to walk in the Columbia Hunger CROP Walk to raise funds for projects in Columbia and around the world.  The walkers started out at First Christian Church and wound around downtown Columbia until the 3 mile track was covered.

Tens of thousands of people in communities across the U.S. will sacrifice a few hours (and a blister or two) to raise money and show solidarity with impoverished people struggling to become self-sufficient. The CROP Walkers’ motto: We walk because they walk!

CROP is the community hunger appeal of Church World Service. CROP Hunger Walks are unique in that proceeds benefit both domestic and international poverty-reducing efforts. For more information about CROP and how you can organize a CROP walk for your community contact Joyce Holley, in Kansas City (816-531-4540 / jholley@churchworldservice.org) or Kari Davidson, in St. Louis (314-252-3298 / kdavidson@churchworldservice.org)

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84. St. James United Methodist Church, KC – Festival of Sharing Quilt Show

quiltshowSt. James United Methodist Church, in Kansas City, hosted one of the Festival of Sharing Quilt Preview Shows.  Handmade quilts that have been made by churches and individuals across the state were on display.  The quilts will be auctioned at the Festival of Sharing Quilt Auction, at the State Fairgrounds, in Sedalia.  The Festival of Sharing is held each year on the third Saturday of October.  In addition to the quilts on display for the quilt auction, quilters told about quilts of personal interest that they had made.

St. James UMC hosts this quilt preview show each year which is sponsored by Church Women United.  The $2 admission charge, which included tea with all the trimmings, plus the proceeds of the quilt acution will all be used to purchase blankets and tools of hope for victums of diasters.

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83. St. Clair UMC Spreads Hope in Slidell, Louisiana

St. Clair TeamAfter Katrina the St. Clair United Methodist congregation made a commitment to help the city of Slidell come back from the terrible destruction of the hurricane.  The church continues to send volunteers in mission teams to work on the homes of individuals and families still waiting to return to their homes. St. Clair also became a partner of the Aldersgate United Methodist congregation in Slidell and has been helping the church financially by funding continuing education for the church staff.  MissionCast was on hand when the Rev. John Williams, pastor of the Aldersgate United Methodist Church was the guest of the congregation in St. Clair. This video tells about the rewarding outreach of the St. Clair United Methodist Church in Slidell, Louisiana.

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81. Festival of Sharing – State Fairgrounds – Saturday, October 18

Festival of Sharing, Oct 18Sharing from our God given bounty with those in need is what the Festival of Sharing is all about.  For 27 years the Festival of Sharing has been the largest interfaith gathering in Missouri.  Close to a thousand youth and around two thousand adults travel to the State Fairgrounds, in Sedalia, Missouri to bring hope to the hungry and those in crisis.  Churches from 22 different denominations put together kits and send them to Sedalia each year.  Regional gatherings and drop-off sites involve several thousand more volunteers.  MissionCast this week is a promotional video for the 2008 Festival of Sharing to be held on Saturday, October 18.  Dates and locations for the regional gatherings and drop-off sites may be found on the Office of Creative Ministries website.  Go to http://www.umocm.com and click on Festival of Sharing.  Or just click here.

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