96. Noel UMC – Rebuilding at Home and Abroad – Faye Davis

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Faye Davis

Faye Davis, received the Robert and Martha Marble Mission Award, this year at Annual Conference.  She has been the inspiration for a lot of mission activity in and around the United Methodist Church in Noel, Missouri.  In this MissionCast Faye tells about how a trip to Louisiana to work on a home that had been destroyed turned into the Noel United Methodists adapting a survivor family, a whole series of mission trips, and the rebuilding of a home practically from scratch.  But it did not stop there.  Once back home they looked around in their community and started rebuilding in their backyard.  The Marble Mission Award was initiated by the West Conference Board of Global Ministries in 1993.  The successor Global Connection Team has continued to honor people with the award each year at Annual Conference.

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95. Bringing Self-Reliance to Women in Nepal

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NepalWe think of Heifer International as an organization which seeks to alleviate hunger and poverty.  It is indeed such an organization, however, it is much more.  There is the old proverb:  “Give a person a fish and feed him/her for a day; but give them a fishing pole and teach them how to fish and feed them for life.”  Heifer International seeks to alleviate hunger and poverty in such a way that is gives people dignity, builds self-esteem and makes them self-reliant. It does this through teaching a community of people 12 cornerstones for developing self-reliance.  It then gives impoverished families animals to raise as a source of income and food but it does this also through the community organization which is now guided by the 12 cornerstones.  The community takes ownership of the program and makes the decisions about who receives the animals.  All of this is done in such a way that it builds self-reliance for the individual families and also for the community.  To learn more about Heifer International’s approach and how you can help call the Office of Creative Ministries and speak to Carol Oliver, who serves as Heifer’s representative in Missouri. (573-474-7155 or oliver@umocm.com)

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94. The Calhoun UMC – Drake’s Chapel UMC Story of New Life

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Margie Briggs

The mission of the church is to reach out to the community and the world beyond its four walls. When this is forgotten churches usually slowly die. When churches are in tune with the mission of the church they generally receive new life. Led by pastor Margie Briggs, the Calhoun and Drakes Chapel United Methodist Churches have reached out to the community through their Angel Food Ministry and in other ways and they have indeed received new life. Adam Hamilton, pastor of Church of the Resurrection UMC, lifted up their example by sending the Church of the Resurrection film crew to the Calhoun and Drakes Chapel United Methodist Churches to show his congregation the new life they were experiencing. We are thankful to them for giving permission to use their video material.

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93. MissionCast – Global AIDS Awareness Month – Bishop Mutti

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Bishop MuttiDecember is Global AIDS Awareness Month.  MissionCast interviewed Bishop Fritz Mutti about the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund and how some of the money is being used.  Bishop Mutti headed up the Global AIDS Fund campaign during the last quadrennium.  Currently, in returement, he serves at St. Paul School of Theology, in Kansas City, Missouri.  For more information you may go to the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries website at http://new.gbgm-umc.org/resources/annual/worldaidsday/

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92. MissionCast – Serving in India

India VillageThe Missouri Conference, United Methodist Church, sent a team of 14 volunteers in mission to India, where they served at Woodstock School, located in the Himalayan Mountains.  Woodstock School is a Christian International School.  At the school some of the team members served in the library while others served at the school’s new organic research garden.  In the picture Mary Newton, from the Theodosia United Methodist Church, interacts with village women during a mountain village tour.  For information about Missouri Conference volunteers in mission teams and projects call the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155.  Or email our Missouri Conference Volunteers in Mission Coordinator, Audrey Phelps, at phelps@umocm.com

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