157. MissionCast – Prison Pen Pals – Turney UMC

prisonWhile attending Annual Conference last year, Betty Woodring from Turney United Methodist Church, was inspired by things Rev. Harold Johnson said about prison ministry.  She went right home and engaged her friends at church in a prison pen pal ministry.  The ministry has grown as she has also invited former teaching associates, family members and others to correspond with prisoners.  MissionCast had the joy of interviewing Betty at her Turney United Methodist Church.  In this MissionCast she shares how this ministry got started and what it has meant personally to her and her friends.  In addition to simply writing letters she sends her church bullitens, Sunday School lessons, items of interest from the newspaper, greeting cards and more.  Her pen pal’s cellmate sometime ago asked Betty if she could find a pen pal for him.  And others have asked Betty for pen pals as well.  Betty’s sharing of her faith in this way led to her pen pal and his cell mate being baptized just before Christmas.  This is a wonderful story.

We always hold MissionCasts to less than three minutes.  However we have included the full ten minute interview because it includes information that is good for others wishing to become prison pen pals and inviting church members to join in as well.

If you would like to learn even more about this ministry you may call the Office of Creative Ministries (573-474-7155) for contact information for Betty Woodring or Rev. Harold Johnson.  You may also email Max Marble, at the Office of Creative Ministries, at marble@umocm.com

To download the entire 10 minute interview with Betty click here.

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129. Somewhere Out There In Prison

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Mary Z Longstreth

Mary Z. Longstreth is a Deaconess and United Methodist missionary serving as the Director of Faith in Community Ministries, in Indianapolis, Indiana.  However, Missouri is her home state.  We caught up with Mary Z at Wilkes Blvd. United Methodist Church, in Columbia, where her father served as pastor when she was growing up.  She was invited to Wilkes to share her story while itinerating in Missouri.
Her ministry involves the formation for Faith Care Teams.  Faith communities identify 6-8 individuals committed to developing a supportive, caring relationship with an incarcerated person who will be returning to their community as their neighbor.  Trained care team members regularly visit and correspond with the incarcerated neighbor and help him/her prepare for release.  Prior to release, the care team and neighbor develop a covenant agreement of expectations and commitment to activities necessary for successful re-entry, reintegration and restorative relationships.  The care team provides practical, emotional and spiritual support throughout the transition to community life.In this MissionCast Mary Z tells about Buddy and the congregation that prepared for “someone out there” who became a part of their church family.More information may be found on the Faith in Community website at http://www.choicesteam.org/fcm.htmlFor information about providing support for Mary Z as one of our Missouri missionaries contact Alan Pruitt, who serves as the Missouri Conference Secretary for Global Ministries at pruitta1@yahoo.com  Her missionary support advance special number is #982982.


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31. Prison Ministry in Boonville

Prion MinistryFor many years Nelson Memorial United Methodist Church, in Boonville, Missouri has carried on an important ministry with the inmates at the correctional facility in Boonville.  Recently the baseball team from Central Methodist University partnered with them on a prison ministry project.  KOMU-TV in Columbia, Missouri, reported on the project during their evening news.  With their permission we are happy to share the report through this MissionCast.  The person heading up the prison ministry in Nelson Memorial United Methodist Church is Tom Maxwell.

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