162. MissionCast – Dental Clinic – Court Street UMC

Dental Clinic

Court Street United Methodist Church, in Fulton, Missouri offers free dental screening to their community every year.  The information is distributed in area schools by school nurses.  Volunteer dentists come to the church and offer their services.  This outreach ministry is sponsored by the United Methodist Women. 

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140. MissionCast – Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital – India

Ludhiana, India

As United Methodists we have a long historic relationship with the Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital.  In the past we have sent missionary doctors and staff to Ludhiana to serve.  It was good visiting Ludhiana and getting a first had look as this incredible ministry of teaching and healing that is still a part of our United Methodist outreach.

I hope you will consider supporting the incredible ministry of healing.  Ask your church treasurer to send your gift to the Missouri Conference Office as a General Advance Special  #12429B (Ludhiana Christian Medical College & Hospital, India)

You can also make an online donation at our United Methodist General Board of Global Ministry website.  Just click here, read more about the project and then click on donate now.

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133. MissionCast – Health Care for the Uninsured

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Providing health care for the insured is an important ministry.  Years ago the Misouri Conference, through the Office of Creative Ministries, helped get a dental clinic for the children of uninsured families started in McDonald Clinic.  That clinic has branched out to Neosho and is currently helping community leaders in Nevada start a dental clinic for children of uninsured families.


A previous MissionCast tells about that dental clinic which is located in Anderson, Missouri.  You can view this MissionCast by clicking on of the link below:


This week’s MissionCast is a reformated version of an earlier MissionCast that tells how a United Methodist Church near Los Angeles started a health care clinic in their church for uninsured members of their community.  We are thankful to UMTV (United Methodist Communications) for the use of this video for our MissionCast this week.

The First United Methodist Church in West Plains is looking into setting up a clinic something like this.  If your congregation is already involved in such a clinic please let us know.  You may email Max Marble at marble@umocm.com.

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127. Health Care

Health care

First United Methodist Church, near Los Angeles, opperates a free clinic as a part of their ministry.  When I saw this UMTV video I thought of First United Methodist Church in West Plains, Missouri.  They have a task force working on doing something like this as a part of their ministry in the West Plains area.  The Free Health Clinic shown in this MissionCast uses volunteer doctors, nurses and college students to serve their community in a wonderful way.
If your congregation is involved in this kind of ministry we would like to hear about it.  Please let us know by adding a comment on this MissionCast or by emailing Max Marble at marble@umocm.com
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93. MissionCast – Global AIDS Awareness Month – Bishop Mutti

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Bishop MuttiDecember is Global AIDS Awareness Month.  MissionCast interviewed Bishop Fritz Mutti about the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund and how some of the money is being used.  Bishop Mutti headed up the Global AIDS Fund campaign during the last quadrennium.  Currently, in returement, he serves at St. Paul School of Theology, in Kansas City, Missouri.  For more information you may go to the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries website at http://new.gbgm-umc.org/resources/annual/worldaidsday/

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