212. MissionCast – Woman’s Shelter – Pathways UMC, Springfield


Pathways United Methodist Church in Springfield, Missouri provides housing to homeless women in their community. Sometimes they even manage to get one of their women in permanent housing. 

For more information contact Pathways United Methodist Church at 417-866-4375 or email at pathwaysumc@gmail.com

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209. MissionCast – Ludhiana Mission Ambassadors

prayerCatch some of the first impressions of our Ludhiana Mission Ambassadors after arriving to learn about the ministry at the Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital.  Find a time on your church calendar to invite one of them to share the Ludhiana story at your church.  (UMW, UMM, Youth, Sunday School, Fellowship Diner, Sunday morning, etc.)

The Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital has been selected by the Creative Ministries Team and the Festival of Sharing as a project for special support for the next three years.  Visit the “Missouri Friends of Ludhiana” website for more information.  http://ludhianamissouri.org

You may send financial support to the Office of Creative Ministries or through the Festival of Sharing or even through the General Advance program of the United Methodist Church. (#12429B)  The Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital is also one of the 2011 Annual Conference special offerings.

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208. Health Ministry for the Congregation and Community Outreach


Find what a health ministry can do not only for the members of your congregation but also for your community.  Another in a whole series of Health Ministry Workshops was held at Missouri United Methodist Church, in Columbia.  The workshops are sponsored by the Creative Ministries Team and are led by Julie Taylor, a Faith Community Nurse (also called a Parish Nurse) at Pathways United Methodist Church in Springfield.  Julie has a lot to offer those interested in starting up or enhancing health ministry in their congregation or as an outreach ministry in their community.  Workshop participants learn from each other as well about what has worked well in their congregation and community.

The next workshop will be held in St. Charles, at First United Methodist Church, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, April 2nd.  The next one scheduled after that will be held in Cape Girardeau, at the Southeast District Office, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, April 30th.  The cost for the first person from a church to register is $15.  For each additional person it is $5.  The cost includes workshop materials as well as lunch.  To register call the Office of Creative Ministries at 573-474-7155 or email Dora Thackery at thackery@umocm.com


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196. MissionCast – West Plains Christian Free Clinic – First UMC, West Plains

Free ClinicOver 100 people in all walks of medical and non-medical life volunteer their time in the free clinic that was opened in West Plains, largely through the vision of Rev. Mark Mildren.  Office space, equipment, medicines, lab tests and medical supplies are all donated.  MissionCast visited with Mark about this impressive new ministry outreach to the community.  A detailed article about the clinic may be found in the online edition of the August 6th Missouri Conference Review, on the conference website.  This link will take you there:  http://www.moumethodist.org/enewsletterarchives/detail/1108

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193. MissionCast – Organ & Tissue Donor Sunday

organ donor sunday

In order to promote Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday, MissionCast interviewed a kidney donor and the person who received a kidney from him. The transplant took place at the University of Missouri Hospital 10 years ago. Theirs is a wonderful story. James Stuart, a former employee and friend, offered Steven Moore a kidney after he had been on dialysis for a year and a half.


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To view the full interview with Stephen and James click here.


(from the General Board of Global Ministries)

Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday, a United Methodist special Sunday observed as part of the National Donor Sabbath, is traditionally observed the second Sunday in November. The United Methodist Church supports organ and tissue donation:

We believe that organ transplantation and organ donation are acts of charity, agape love, and self-sacrifice. We recognize the life-giving benefits of organ and other tissue donation and encourage all people of faith to become organ and tissue donors as a part of their love and ministry to others in need. We urge that it be done in an environment of respect for deceased and living donors and for the benefit of the recipients, and following protocols that carefully prevent abuse to donors and their families.
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2000

About National Donor Sabbath

Faith communities throughout the country will observe National Donor Sabbath during the second weekend of November. National Donor Sabbath helps to increase awareness of the critical need for organs and tissues and the miracle of transplantation. Religious leaders who participate in discussions of donation with their congregants can affirm that choosing to be an organ and tissue donor offers the opportunity to share the greatest blessing of all– the gift of life.

This annual interfaith celebration of life stresses the importance of donation. Religious leaders who lead discussions of donation with their congregants affirm that choosing to be an organ and tissue donor offers the opportunity to share the greatest blessing of all — the gift of life.

As participation in National Donor Sabbath increases and more individuals become aware of donation, one message is repeated time and again: make a decision about being an organ and tissue donor, sign a donor card, indicate your wishes on your driver’s license, and tell your family. For a family who has lost a loved one and is considering donation, knowing the loved one’s wishes in advance helps provide assurance that the right decision is made.

Find more information at www.organdonor.gov

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