11. Bishop Schnase – Mozambique Initiative

Bishop SchnaseIn episode 11 of MissionCast Bishop Schnase shares his thoughts about his trip to Mozambique and the value of the Mozambique Initiative to both the congregations in Mozambique and the congregations of the Missouri Conference.  For more information about the Mozambique Initiative and for information about supporting a congregation, pastor or seminary student in Mozambique go to http://www.moumethodist.org/ and then click on “Ministries” and ” Mozambique Initiative” or send an email to Carol Kreamer at cpkreamer@hughes.net.

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Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com

6. Eden Summit: Cultivating Creation Awareness

heronThe purpose of the Eden Summit is to create a network of local congregations that have intentional “Creation Awareness” ministries.  A long term goal is to organize Eden Clubs in local congregations.  Hopefully congregations might also organize Eden Clubs in their communities involving churches from many denominations.  This MissionCast provides visual information about the Eden Summit that will be held on April 21, at Community United Methodist Church, in Columbia.  It is sponsored by the Spiritual Formation and Social Justice Team, the Global Connections Team and the Office of Creative Ministries.  All of the information about the Eden Summit may be found at http://www.umocm.com/eden_summit.htm  The photo of the heron was taken by Bishop Robert Schnase.

Click below to view MissionCast at the highest resolution that your internet connection will support. 

For DSL or Cable:  Med resolution video (7 MB) or High resolution video (20 MB)
For Dial-up Connections:  Low resolution video (2 MB, 5-10 mins)
or Mac users:  Quick Time video (16 MB) 

Sadly, video viewing on the internet while becoming very popular, pretty much requires a high speed internet connection.  At home I only have a dial-up connection and it maybe that dial-up is all you have as well.  If you are willing to wait 5-10 mins for the download you can still view the low resolution version of MissionCast.
Happy viewing,
Max Marble, Office of Creative Ministries
3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202
Email:  marble@umocm.com
Website:  http://www.umocm.com