297. MissionCast – Sarah Bollinger, Mozambique Coordinator


Sarah Bollinger, our new Mozambique Coordinator, updates us about where we are in this amazing partnership with Mozambique. The past year has been a transition year with former Mozambique Coordinator, Carol Kreamer and Sarah Bollinger working together for part of the year. The transition year has necessitated extra expenses. Sarah shares the successes of the year as well as the way we can be a part of meeting the extra expenses that have been incurred. Checks may be sent to the Conference Office, 3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65292. Designate your gift to the Mozambique Initiative General Fund #8810.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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241. MissionCast – Mozambique Sustainability Projects

MissionCast – Mozambique Sustainability Projects
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


One of the five elements of the vision of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique is to be a church that is self-sustainable. This is one of the goals – even in areas where people have very little currency – the congregation, as a community, is able to work together toward self-sufficiency.  Congregations in Mozambique are living out the purpose of the church which is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Sustainability projects are helping to strengthen those congregations.

You can help by contributing to the fund supporting sustainability projects.  Make checks payable to Missouri Conference marked 8800 Mozambique sustainability projects.

(Search for any mission topic.  Just type a key word into the search window.  Search for “hunger”, “India”, “Ludhiana”, “Mozambique”, “environment”, “prison” ministry, etc.)

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Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the left listed by category and by date.

The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to: http://www.moumethodist.org/site/stayconnected

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

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Mozambique Sustainability Projects

festival preview

225, MissionCast- St. John’s UMC Shares Capital Campaign with Partner Church

MissionCast:  St. John’s UMC Shares Capital Campaign with Partner Church
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast – Other formats will be added later today)


St. John’s United Methodist Church, in Kansas City, Missouri decided to share their capital campaign with their partner church in Mozambique.  They have been surprised by how far the 5% of their capital campaign has been able to go in Mozambique.  First they helped their partner congregation build a permanent home for their parsonage family, next their funds built a dormitory and dining area for a woman’s shelter and eventually will help build a permanent chapel for their partner church.  Pastor, Kyle Hern and Lay Leader, Julie Salmon share the joy and excitement that this sharing of capital resources has brought to their Kansas City Church.

(Search for any mission topic.  Just type a key word into the search window.  Search for “hunger”, “India”, “Ludhiana”, “Mozambique”, “environment”, “prison” ministry, etc.)

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Quicktime Video (for Mac users)
Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the left listed by category and by date.

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

172. MissionCast – Block Pary for Mozambique – Ozark UMC

Ludhiana ChaplainsThe Ozark United Methodist Church is sending a Volunteers in Mission team to Mozambique to build a church.  They are raising money for the building materials in a variety of ways.  This MissionCast tells about the Block Party they held to raise some of the money.  It is not the kind of block party that comes to mind when you hear the term.  Actually the church is located on a large expanse of land all by itself rather than in a neighborhood surrounded by blocks of houses.

During their worship service they showed a video telling about their plans to build the church in Mozambique through the efforts of their Volunteers in Mission trip.  They did  a great job on the video and they have made it available for us to see.  To download or view their video click here.

To view this MissionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below:
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Watch on YouTube

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org    (then click on “Stay Connected”)

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161. MissionCast – The Mozambique-Missouri Bridge

Mozambique Initiative

There is an important bridge that connects the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Missouri with the congregations of the United Methodist churches in Mozambique.   I doubt that there is a more active United Methodist bridge between continents anywhere in the world than this one that we in Missouri have built and support with our covenants and donations.  The bridge is traveled many times a week as Carol Kreamer, our Mozambique Coordinator, in Pacific, Missouri turns on her computer to talk to Ezekiel Nhantumbo, our Mozambique Initiative Representative, in Maputo, Mozambique.  Listen in on what happens through this MissionCast and then find a way for the church group you are a member of (choir, Sunday School Class, youth group, etc.) and your whole congregation to keep this bridge strong and active. 


Send your donations to the Missouri Conference Office clearly labeling them as “Conference Advance Special, Mozambique Coordinator” or contact Carol Kreamer for information about entering a covenant relationship with either Ezekiel or Carol or both.  Phone: 636-271-4455 or Email: cpkreamer@hughes.net

For more information go to the Mozambique Initiative website www.moumethodist.org/mi or the support pages where you can actually make a commitment online – www.moumethodist.org/mi/missionary and www.moumethodist.org/mi/support.

To view this MissionCast click on the picture above or on one of the links below:

Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
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Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing then high resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)
Watch on YouTube

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer:  Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.
Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
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