251. MissionCast – Green Trails UMC at Shalom House

MissionCast -Green Trails UMC at Shalom House
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


The United Methodist Church of Green Trails was chosen to receive the 2011 Shalom House Community Impact Award in recognition of their partnership, investment, and hands-on service that positively impacts the lives of Shalom House residents and graduates.

The United Methodist Church of Green Trails chose Shalom House as the focus of its local missions.  Individuals within the congregation have been regularly involved in service at Shalom House in projects such as supporting residents with computer-based needs like resume building and job searching and preparing meals and a menu for food in the Emergency Shelter Program. Under the leadership of Pastor Nate Berneking, the United Methodist Church of Green Trails has helped provide a much-needed new roof and soon-to-be-installed enhanced security system to the “home” of our residents.  Girded in passion for the mission of Shalom House, The United Methodist Church of Green Trails has convened a covenantal partnership of 5 other area churches to improve Shalom House’s infrastructure in ways that will eliminate frequent needs from the agency and create better repeatable systems to support Shalom House women.

If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

Download or View MissionCast
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)
Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Archives:  The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to:

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

250. MissionCast – Nursing Scholarships – Alternative Christmas Gift

MissionCast – Nursing Scholarships – Alternative Christmas Gift
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)

To watch a video that we prepared to guide you through the process of online giving click the picture to the right.


For $20 a week or $85 a month enable a student from a very poor Christian home to attend nursing school at the Ludhiana Christian Medical College, in India.  We ran this MissionCast last year and raised the support for 11 nursing students.  Now we are looking to raise the support for them for another year.  Either send your contribution to the Office of Creative Ministries, 3009 David Dr., Columbia, MO  65202 or contribute online.  If you contribute online through the General Board of Global Ministries Advance Special program you can make this an alternative Christmas gift for someone special and even print out a card at the end.  Also your local church can received credit for your gift if you wish.  It is easy.  Just go to http://gbgm-umc.org, click on “Give Now” and follow the directions.  To watch a video that we prepared to guide you through the process click the picture to the right.

If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

Download or View MissionCast
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Watch a 4 minute interview about the Wood Chapel’s rebuild ministry in Joplin (a little more detail than the 3min MissionCast)
Watch the full 15 minute interview about Wood Chapel’s rebuild ministry in Joplin

Watch the full 15 minute interview on YouTube
The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to: http://www.moumethodist.org/site/stayconnectedInstructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

249. MissionCast – Rebuild Joplin – Woods Chapel UMC

MissionCast – Rebuild Joplin – Woods Chapel UMC
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


Woods Chapel United Methodist Church has had one or more volunteer teams serving in Joplin every week since the tornado in May.  Your MissionCast crew was on hand to worship at Woods Chapel on Sunday and interview some of the key members involved with the congregation’s rebuilding effort in Joplin.  They spoke of the great amount of work yet to be done in Joplin.  To schedule the 2012 volunteer teams from your congregation contact Jamie Piper.  (417)782-5378 or umvimjoplin@gmail.com

If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

Download or View MissionCast
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Watch a 4 minute interview about the Wood Chapel’s rebuild ministry in Joplin (a little more detail than the 3min MissionCast)
Watch the full 15 minute interview about Wood Chapel’s rebuild ministry in Joplin

Watch the full 15 minute interview on YouTube
The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to: http://www.moumethodist.org/site/stayconnectedInstructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

248. MissionCast – Making Apple Butter – Manchester UMC

MissionCast – Making Apple Butter – Manchester UMC
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


For over 50 years the Manchester United Methodist Congregation has been making apple butter as a fundraiser to support outreach mission.  Of course there is also the yummy apple butter that is in demand every year as well.  This tradition has been kept alive as the congregation has changed from a small rural church to one of the Missouri Conference’s largest urban congregations.  MissionCast was on hand to bring you this stirring story.

If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

Download or View MissionCast
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

The video and the audio for this MissionCast were captured on the tiny Canon PowerShot digital camera pictured here.  It is available for around $130.  We wanted to capture all of the material for this MissionCast on this camera to demonstrate just how far digital cameras have come and to encourage you to capture and share the mission events of your congregation.  There are members in every congregation no matter how big or small who have this kind of camera or much better ones in their possession already.

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the left listed by category and by date.

The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to: http://www.moumethodist.org/site/stayconnected

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

247. MissionCast – Tim & Ellie Brubaker Volunteer in Joplin

MissionCast – Tim & Ellie Brubakers Volunteer in Joplin
(Click on the picture to view the MissionCast)


Tim and Ellie Brubaker have been living in their RV in Joplin for two months.  They drove to Joplin from their home in Harbor Springs, Michigan to help us coordinate Volunteers in Mission teams serving in Joplin.  Volunteering as they have been doing is nothing new for them.  They served several times in Louisiana after Katrina as well as in Greensburg, Kansas after their tornado.  They have also served in Florida.  What a blessing they have been to our Missouri Conference disaster response ministry in Joplin.  We wanted you to be able to meet them so your MissionCast crew arranged for a visit with them in their home on wheels.
If you would like to bring your RV to Joplin and serve in this manner please contact Jeff Baker at the Office of Creative Ministries.  Phone:  573-474-7155.  Email:  baker@umocm.com
If your congregation has a mission story that you can share in a 1 min to 2 1/2 minute video please send it to us.  If you have questions contact Max Marble at marble@umocm.com or 573-474-7155

Download or View MissionCast
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)
Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the left listed by category and by date.

The episodes are archived by topic and searchable with key words like “tornado”, “Joplin”, “Mozambique”, “volunteers”, “hunger”, “environment”, “Guatemala”, “Children”, “UMCOR”, etc. To receive a weekly notice about the content of the newest MissionCast go to the Missouri Conference website and sign up. Go to: http://www.moumethodist.org/site/stayconnected

Instructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)