284. MissionCast – How To Become A Legacy Church – King Hill UMC


King Hill United Methodist Church in St. Joseph had a thriving ministry but for the past twenty years has been losing members and financial resources. After reading the book “Legacy Churches” the congregation voted to close their doors and celebrate their rich and fruitful ministry while they still had a choice in the matter. Around 160 persons attended their closing celebration service. This MissionCast shares the reflections of two of their members and their pastor who feel good about the process they used.

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283. MissionCast – Community Outreach Dinners – Unionville UMC


Unionville UMC serves free dinners for the community every Monday evening. The outreach ministry has grown to where the fellowship hall fills up as people come, eat and go letting others come. The community fellowship around the tables is great. Dinners are even taken to the homes of those who cannot come to the church including inmates in the county jail. The ministry grew out of a group of women in the church who meet regularly for prayer and spiritual growth.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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282. MissionCast – Payday Loan Capping – Campbell UMC


Rev. Andy Bryan shares how he invited interest persons from his Campbell UMC congregation to become certified to gather signatures to help put the payday loan capping issue on the November 2012 ballot.

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281. MissionCast – Brown Bag Ministry – Yeakley United Methodist Church


The phrase “gather for worship, scatter for mission” describes what the Yeakley United Methodist Church does so very well. They are an outward focused congregation. Their latest outreach ministry is with the homeless of Springfield which they call their “brown bag ministry.” Your MissionCast crew walked along with them in downtown Springfield to bring you this MissionCast. Because of their outward focus the congregation has grown from an average attendance of around 19 two years ago to an average attendance of 39 so far this year. Pastor David Schoolcraft attributes the growth in attendance to the commitment and excitement brought on by engaging in ministry beyond the walls of their open air country church. For information and tips about starting a brown bag outreach ministry from your congregation call Cassie Downs at 417-766-7613.

Click here to view a longer 6 minute version

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at marble@umocm.com

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280. Campus Ministering Congregations


Rev. Ronnie Miller-Yow is pastor of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is also Chaplain at Philander Smith College and President of National Black Methodists for Church Renewal. (BMCR) He and his congregation are committed to reaching out to the Philander Smith College Students. Thanks to UMTV ( United Methodist Communications) for the material for this MissionCast.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at marble@umocm.com

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