MissionCast – Haiti Pure Water Update


“Our thanks to Scott Leigh and the people in Haiti for providing this video clip giving an update of the Pure Water Project in Haiti. For more information go to the Office of Creative Ministries website: umocm.com

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289. MissionCast – Furnishing Hope at The Word at Shaw UMC


“They have never been treated with such dignity…” Keith Scarborough, pastor of The Word at Shaw United Methodist Church, in St. Louis, was speaking to us about the homeless women who come to his church looking for furniture with which to furnish their apartments. The women receive more than furniture….they receive hope. Thus this new ministry, coordinate by Joleen Mayfield, at the Word at Shaw is called “Furnishing Hope.” It is a partnership ministry with the Shalom House and Green Trails UMC along with some help from other area churches. The ministry is for women who have completed the course at Shalom House and are ready to graduate to an apartment of their own. Picking out furnishing at The Word at Shaw is like going to Dillard’s or Ikea.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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288. MissionCast – SERVE2012, Kansas City


Thank you to Scott Leigh, from Central United Methodist Church, in Kansas City, for producing this wonderful video about SERVE2012 participation in Kansas City. For information about SERVE2012 to go the SERVE2012 group on Facebook or to the Office of Creative Ministries website: http://umocm.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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287. Ludhiana CMC Medical Rural Outreach


Take a moment to visit the village of Guiana, in Northwest India, and meet some of the children in the local grade school. Also meet Dr. Neeta Kang, head of Innovation, at the Betty Cowan Center for Research and Innovation, which is the research arm of the Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital. And meet Namita Azad a graduate student from Madison, Wisconsin who just arrived in Ludhiana to do two months of research for her thesis.
The village of Guiana is experiencing a higher incidence of cancer than other areas in the state of Punjab. For this reason the village was chosen by the Betty Cowan Center to give free screening and counseling to the women of the village and to educate the grade school children about cancer and what families can do if cancer occurs.
This three minute video will transport you to the village to be with the people for a few minutes. For more information about the Ludhiana Christian Medical College and Hospital or the Betty Cowan Center for Research and Innovation contact Max Marble, Executive Director of the Ludhiana Christian Medical College Board USA at MarbleLCMC@gmail.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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286. MissionCast – Neighbor2Neighbor Ministry – Westport/Revolution UMC – Kansas City


The Neighbor2Neighbor ministry operates out of the Revolution United Methodist Church in Kansas City. The mission of Neighbor2Neighbor (incorporated as N2N) is to provide meals and meet other daily needs in the context of a supportive community among homeless and near-homeless persons in the Westport area of Kansas City.

N2N offers a spirit of radical hospitality, which means generously welcoming all persons with compassionate service and accountability. Neighbor2Neighbor is about relationships. When many helping agencies would say “client,” we say “neighbor.” Current Services include: meals, health care, legal help, employment readiness and emergency assistance.

Learn more about the ministry through their website: http://www.n2ninc.org/

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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