295. MissionCast – UCity Micro Credit Club – University UMC, St. Louis


The UCity Micro Credit Loan Ministry of the University United Methodist Church, in St. Louis, has been making loans to small entrepreneurs around the world for three years. They have made over 150 loans in close to 50 countries. The loans vary from 25 to 100 dollars. It is a way of giving poor and struggling people hope by making them more self-reliant. The repayment rate on the loans they have made is an amazing 98%. They started by meeting in the UCity library to make the ministry more accessible to non-church members but now they generally meet on line using Skype enabling people to join in from anywhere. For information about starting a KIVA Micro Credit Loan outreach ministry contact Tom Mitchell at tomm8132@gmail.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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294. MissionCast – Community Outreach Gardens


Our thanks to UMTV (United Methodist Communications) for permission to use their video on the outreach community garden of Cedar Grove United Methodist Church, in North Carolina. If your congregation has an interest in growing an Outreach Community Garden this might be a good time to start planning. There is a growing interest in this area of ministry with lots of information available on the Internet.
Here are some more MissionCasts about community gardens.
135. MissionCast – Christ Community UMC Community Garden and Food Pantry
239. Heifer International – Gardening Project for Festival of Sharing
117. Food for Body and Soul – Union Memorial UMC

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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293. MissionCast – Show Me Girls in Mission – Midstate District UMW


The Midstate District United Methodist Women’s “Show Me Girls” participated in a Volunteers in Mission project at the Midwest Mission Distribution Center, in Chatham, Illinois. The distribution center collects, processes and distributes kits and items needed for disaster relief across the country and around the world. In this MissionCast LaVonne Patterson tells of their experience and encourages others to serve at the MMDC as well. The Midstate UMW are sponsoring another mission like this the week after Easter in 2013. For information about their next mission as well as information about the Midwest Mission Distribution Center call or email LaVonne Patterson. (573-239-3158 / lilpat@mchsi.com) Our thanks to Lavonne for the script and narration of this MissionCast and to Pati Tynes for her great pictures.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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292. MissionCast – Organ Donor Sabbath


With Organ Donor Sabbath just around the corner we wanted to bring you James Arnold’s story. After months of rapidly deteriorating health James received a liver transplant at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis in July. The transplant was a success and he is getting stronger by the week. We are grateful to him for granting us this video interview at his church, the Friendship Christian Church, just north of Centralia, Missouri. For information about becoming an organ donor contact the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. (http://www.DonateLifeMissouri.com / 888-497-4564)
To watch the full interview on YouTube click here. Or to download the full 9 minute video interview click here.


If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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291. Festival of Sharing 2012


The 31st Festival of Sharing was held at the Missouri State Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 20, 2012. Watch here to catch some of the highlights of the Festival of Sharing. For more information go to the Office of Creative Ministries website: http://umocm.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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