MissionCast – Episode 300 Celebrating 6 Seasons


With episode 300, MissionCast starts its seventh season of providing mission moments to Missouri United Methodists. To celebrate this passage we have put together a 2 minute review of MissionCast through the years with images and clips from 49 of the 300 episodes. During the six years over 150 congregations have shared their exciting personal mission stories about ways they reach out to serve their communities and the world.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

299. Pure Water for Mozambique – The Gathering UMC


The Gathering United Methodist Church each year gives ½ of their Christmas offering to the Mozambique Initiative Safe Water Project. This year they are urging members of their congregation to spend less and give more. Together with other churches in Missouri 21 wells have been drilled in the past 3 years. We are thankful to the Gathering United Methodist Church for this dynamic video they prepared to promote safe water in Mozambique. You and your congregation may give to this project by sending a part of your Christmas offering or an offering later in the year to the Missouri Conference, 3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65202. Designate your gift for the Mozambique Imitative, Safe Water Project. For more information you may contact Sarah Bollinger, who is a worship leader at the Gathering and who is the Coordinator of our Missouri Conference Mozambique Initiative. Email her at sbollinger@moumethodist.org.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

298. A Kennett Christmas for All


On Saturday, at First United Methodist Church, in Kennett, Christmas was all about the other person. The bulletin cover on Sunday morning reflected that sentiment. They opened their doors to over 1800 persons who had registered for their Annual Christmas Party. For one day the church was converted into a shopping mall. Part of the church became a huge toy store. There were tables piled high with toys for boys or girls in every age group where preregistered parents could pick out one toy for each of their children. The tables were completely restocked throughout the day. The amazing thing to the parents was that there was no cash register. The children of parents were escorted by a whole cadre of youth volunteers to rooms to select presents for moms and dads. The gifts selected they lined up at the gift wrapping section of the church. While families waited for their turn to shop there were hot dogs and other goodies along with various party activities to add to the joy of the event.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

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Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

297. MissionCast – Sarah Bollinger, Mozambique Coordinator


Sarah Bollinger, our new Mozambique Coordinator, updates us about where we are in this amazing partnership with Mozambique. The past year has been a transition year with former Mozambique Coordinator, Carol Kreamer and Sarah Bollinger working together for part of the year. The transition year has necessitated extra expenses. Sarah shares the successes of the year as well as the way we can be a part of meeting the extra expenses that have been incurred. Checks may be sent to the Conference Office, 3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65292. Designate your gift to the Mozambique Initiative General Fund #8810.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

Watch on YouTube (click on picture)

Download or View MissionCast
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Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

http://www.moumethodist.org (then click on “Stay Connected”)

296. The Best of MissionCast — PET Production in Aurora

Pet ProductionPET stands for “personal energy transportation.” A PET is a three-wheel, hand-cranked wheelchair to give mobility to those who have lost the use of their legs. The first PETs were produced in Columbia, Missouri a little over 10 years ago. Today they are also produced in Aurora, Missouri and many other sites. This video shows the process of producing and packing PETs at the Aurora PET production site. Note that when the PETs are packed for shipping every available space is used to add things that the recipients can use. A tool kit for repairs is a must. The plastic milk jugs are used for carrying and storing water. A toy for children is added along with a good number of clothing items. There are 10 MissionCast archived and available on PETs. Just click on PET in the left hand column of this page to bring up all 10.

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High Resolution Video (For download for screen projection)
Quicktime Video (For Mac users)
20 Minute Normal Speed Version