305. MissionCast – Missouri United Methodists Help Sandy Survivors


Soon after Hurricane Sandy trounced the East Coast, Kevin Fisher, Jim Gleason and Jack Davidson from Liberty United Methodist Church and Joe Bartelsmeyer from Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church headed to Middletown, New Jersey. They took along one of the Office of Creative Ministries skid loaders. They worked on several homes but spent three days helping Ruth. She was happy to speak to Jim’s camera/phone. And MissionCast is happy to bring you her story.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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304. MissionCast – The Gift of Life – Ludhiana CMC


Now at the Ludhiana Christian Medical College, in India, they are able to do pediatric cardiac surgery for a little less than $6,000 per child. The parents pay $1,000 if they are able, the surgeons do not charge their fees, the hospital subsidizes the surgery and generous donors contribute $5,000 for each surgery. In this MissionCast, Dr. Bedi tells about the difference between heart surgery for children and adults. You will also meet some of the children needing the surgery for repairing the holes in their hearts they have been suffering from since birth.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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303. The Best of MissionCast: St. James UMC – For Lent, Pay It Forward


During Lent members of St. James United Methodist Church, were asked by their pastor, Dr. Emanuel Cleaver, III, to pay it forward. He gave 40 church members $40 each and asked them to go and make a difference in the life of someone in need. Results were wonderful. A Pay It Forward booklet shares testimonies from 45 church members. The church also prepared a DVD with two responses. This MissionCast tells about the experience of Paying it Forward. To listen to the DVD prepared by St. James UMC click here.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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302. King Celebration – Poor People’s Breakfast – St. Luke UMC


Each year St. Luke United Methodist Church, in Columbia, hosts and helps sponsor the Columbia Community Poor People’s Breakfast. Rev. Raymond Hayes, pastor of St. Luke United Methodist Church shares his thoughts about the day which is set aside to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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301. 2nd Saturday SERVE – Community UMC


Community United Methodist Church which has participated in SERVE 2011 and SERVE 2012 decided not to wait until SERVE 2013. They decided to SERVE on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Your MissionCast crew found them busy serving on Saturday and followed them around their community. The volunteers serve in projects that are completed by noon.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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