310. Heifer Ranch Tour – April 29-May1, 2013


The Heifer International Ranch is located in Perryville, Arkansas. In this MissionCast members of New Horizons United Methodist Church share their experience of visiting the Heifer Ranch as well as the National Headquarters for Heifer International and the Heifer International Global Village in Little Rock.
Cleo Kottwitz will be leading the 2013 Spring Heifer Ranch Tour. To sign up to visit the Ranch and the Global Village contact Cleo at 573-446-0799 or email him at cdk13@socket.net. Cleo is a retired United Methodist pastor and longtime volunteer with Heifer.
Click here to open a PDF document with the itinerary and all of the information about the tour.

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309. YouthFest – Festival of Sharing


Save the date – October 18 & 19 – for YouthFest at the Festival of Sharing. YouthFest starts Friday night with a band and action and continues with service for the hungry of Missouri and the World on Saturday. The Festival of Sharing is held every year on the third Saturday of October in Sedalia, Missouri at the Missouri State Fairgrounds. Join with youth from all over the state for a day praise, service, fun and food. For more information contact info@umocm.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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308. MissionCast – Mt. Vernon UMC and Potato Drops


The Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church sponsors three or four Society of St. Andrew potato drops at their church each year to help feed the hungry in their community. To raise money for the transportation costs of the potatoes they have various fund raisers like the potato soup supper shown in this MissionCast. Joe Bartelsmeyer, retired from the Office of Creative Ministries staff, started the potato drop ministry in Missouri and is a member of the Mt. Vernon UMC. You can contact Joe through the Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church by calling 417-466-2459.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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307. MissionCasts – Mozambique Mission Ambassadors


Our Missouri Conference Mozambique Mission Ambassadors are trained and ready to come to your church to share their excitement and knowledge about our Mozambique-Missouri covenant relationship. Each of them has been to Mozambique. Some have been to Mozambique multiple times. In this MissionCast Sarah Bollinger, our Mozambique Initiative Coordinator, shares from her personal experience about the energy and excitement generated when an ambassador tells of their experiences with the people and congregations of Mozambique. The Missouri Conference Mozambique Mission Ambassador Coordinator is Jen Dotson. Contact Jen to arrange for a Mission Ambassador to come to your church. (dotson.jen@gmail.com)

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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306. MissionCast – Winter Shelter – Wilkes Blvd. UMC


Wilkes Boulevard United Methodist Church in Columbia opened its doors to host the homeless during the entire frigid month of January. The congregation has also opened its doors to the homeless by providing space for Columbia’s Loaves and Fishes homeless feeding ministry. Both of these ministries have wide support from Columbia churches which provide funds and volunteers, but the Wilkes Blvd. congregation has recently reached out to the people living in their immediate community by providing space for these and other community outreach ministries. Your MissionCast crew enjoyed worshiping with the congregation and interviewing pastor Meg Hegemann in order to bring you this mission story.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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