325. Imagine No Malaria – Jill Wondel


In this MissionCast, Jill Wondel, one of the Missouri Conference Imagine No Malaria Coordinators, shares the one-two-three steps for congregations to take to get their 2013-14 Imagine No Malaria ministries off the ground. For more information go to the Missouri Conference Imagine No Malaria website: www.ImagineNoMalariaMO.org You may also contact Jill with questions at jill@imaginenomalariamo.org or 314-974-0038. If you have a creative event planned contact Max Marble about sharing your event idea with other congregations through a MissionCast: MarbleLCMC@gmail.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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324. Baby Grace Ministry (From The Best of MissionCast)

(Search for any mission topic. Just type a key word into the search window. Search for “hunger”, “india”, “mozambique”, “environmnet”, “prison” ministry, etc.)

baby grace

Baby Grace Ministry was born at the Buckner United Methodist Church in response to the needs of young mothers of their community. Through the ministry young parents receive parenting education as well as diapers, clothing, bedding, toys and books all donated by contributing members of the community. Everything they received is bundled up with a lot of spiritual blessings and a great deal of love. For more information go to www.bucknerumc.com. To support the ministry send contributions to the Missouri United Methodist Conference Office, 3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65202. Baby Grace is a Conference Advance Special and is listed on the form sent to all church treasurers every month.

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323. MissionCast – College Age Ministry to Haiti – Missouri UMC


Students from the college age ministry of Missouri United Methodist Church traveled to Haiti to install pure water filters in homes. For this MissionCast we interviewed Joy Jenkins and Audrey Wagner two of the missionaries on the trip. The water filters they installed are of a smaller less costly variety than those installed by previous mission teams. Audrey tells about the new filter and they both share about their experience in Haiti.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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322. Moatize UMC, Mozambique – Memorial UMC, Farmington Partners


The Memorial United Methodist Church in Farmington sent a mission team (Nancy Lynch, Edna Russell, Karen Young and Barbara Viitanen) to Mozambique to meet their part congregation, pastor and seminary student. Their partner congregation use to worship under a shade shelter or shade chapel. With the financial support of Memorial UMC they now have a permanent church building which was dedicated upon their arrival during a grand celebration. For information about partnering with a congregation in Mozambique or supporting a seminary student contact Sarah Bollinger in the Conference Mozambique Initiative Office. (PO box 2163, St. Louis, MO 63158 / 314-623-0401 / sbollinger@moumethodist.org)

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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321. MissionCast – Spiritual Grief Ministries


It was on the conference clergy moving day that David and Elaine Howlett received the devastating news that their son had been killed in an automobile accident. Their tragedy has led to the development of “Spiritual Grief Ministries” designed to help others experiencing such losses to be begin the journey toward healing. Their book “Come Out, Lazarus” is available through Cokesbury (www.cokesbury.com / 1-800-409-5346) Register for their retreat, “Spiritual Healing After Loss” scheduled for October 18-20, 2013 at Camp Jo-Ota, near Clarence, Missouri by calling the camp office at 660-346-8834 or going to the Camp J0-Ota website at www.jo-ota.org

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

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