330. MissionCast – VIM Costa Rica – Joe Bartelsmeyer


Since 1997 the Missouri Conference Office of Creative Ministries has sent over 30 teams to Costa Rica to serve at the Latin American Biblical Seminary. The seminary prepares students for ministry from all of Central and South America. The current need is for teams to build married student apartments. Our most recent Volunteers in Mission team to serve on this project was led by Joe Bartelsmeyer. Joe shares their experience in this MissionCast and offers an invitation to others to serve. For information about this project contact Audry Phelps at the Office of Creative Ministries, 3009 David Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 / 573-474-7155 / phelps@umocm.com / www.umocm.com

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

Download or View MissionCast (Downloads will be available on Tuesday, July 30, by noon.
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Videoo (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
High Definition (Best quality)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

329. Mozabique Partners – King’s Way UMC


King’s Way United Methodist Church, like many of our Missouri churches, has a covenant partner church in Mozambique. A team from the congregation recently visited their partner congregation in Macate. Co-team leaders Scott Giffen and Susie Cummings share a bit about their experience. In her sermon, Rev. Yvi Martin referred to their friends in Mozambique a part of their worldwide family. For information about partnering with a congregation in Mozambique contact Sarah Bollinger, Mozambique Initiative Coordinator at PO Box 2165, St. Louis, MO 63158. (314-623-0401 – sbollinger@moumethodist.org)

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

Download or View MissionCast (Downloads will be available on Tuesday, July 30, by noon.
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Videoo (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
High Definition (Best quality)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

328. Oldest Continuing Camp Meeting West of the Mississippi


Last night your MissionCast crew attended the Lake Creek Campmeeting. It is the longest continuous running campmeeting west of the Mississippi. It started in 1943. This year celebrates the 170 anniversary of its continuing outreach to the community. It is registered as United Methodist Historic Site #276. The campground is located on 20 acres situated 15 miles SE of Sedalia, Missouri. This MissionCast is an update of our earlier Lake Creek Campmeeting MissionCast correcting some of the earlier inaccuracies.

To view this MissionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below:
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)

Higher Resolution Video (Better quality viewing than high resolution)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)

Also check out the list of MissionCasts at the right indexed by category.Instructions for downloading videos to your computer: Right click on one of the links above and select “save link as” or “save file as” then tell your computer where you want to save the file and click OK.

327. MissionCast – Mission U


Mission U, formerly called the Cooperative School of Christian Mission, was held at Central Methodist College in Fayette, Missouri. This three minute MissionCast brings you some of the highlights of the four day mission training event.
Click here to view the full five minute version of the Mission U highlights video. This video may be downloaded below. It is also available on DVD for five dollars which includes postage and handling. Send your check to Max Marble, Ludhiana CMC, PO Box 1327, Columbia, MO 65205.

If you have a video you would like to share with MissionCast, email Max Marble at maxrmarble@gmail.com

Download or View MissionCast (Downloads will be available on Tuesday, July 30, by noon.
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)
Higher Resolution Videoo (Better quality viewing than medium resolution)
High Definition (Best quality)
Quicktime Video (for Mac users)
5 Minute Edition HD Video

Sign up for a weekly MissionCast announcement by email.
Early every Monday morning we send an announcement about the content of the weekly MissionCast and information about future MissionCasts. If you would like to receive the weekly MissionCast content announcement go to the Missouri Conference website by clicking on the link below and then select “Stay Connected” in the left hand column.

326. What is MissionCast (From the Best of MissionCast, Episode 100)

Audrey Phelps
We posted this MissionCast back in January 2009 to let everyone know what MissionCast is all about. We are posting this “Best of MissionCast” once again because we find that many in our congregations still want to know more about MissionCast. So here is episode 100 which tells the story: This week we celebrate 100 consecutive episodes of MissionCast being posted to the Internet. Audrey Phelps, on the Office of Creative Ministries Staff shares the various ways to view MissionCast. It takes two to three minutes a week to learn about how the congregations of the Missouri United Methodist Churches are reaching out in mission. Since MissionCast is a podcast it may be downloaded to your computer, iPhone, Blackbury or other portable communications system automatically each Monday morning when a new episode is posted. Sit back and let Audrey tell you all about it for the next three minutes.

To View MissionCast click on the picture or on one of the links below.

By tonight we hope to have a higher resolution posted that was not avaiable when episode 100 was first posted. So come back tomorrow if you wish do download a higher resolution video for projection.

Low Resolution Video (For Dial-Up Connections)
Medium Resolution Video (For DSL or Cable)